Diagnostic Imaging

Optima IGS3 series-Cordiovoscular Imaging Within Your Reach
- Unique 3 Axis Gantry movement
- GE’s unique Stent Viz technology with subtracted guide wire
- Highest DQE – GE offers 80% at just 175 nGY
- Three Focal Spot (0.3 ,0.6 & 1.0mm, .3mm far DSA.)
- Intelligent Aut□Ex automatically selects the X-ray parameters
- Available in detector size of 20. cm x 20.5 cm and 30 cm x 30 cm
- In nova 3D provides o quick 3D rotational angiography acquisition
- GE Makes ifs detector at its own & is the only company unlike other vendors who get from
- otherOEMs

Innova IGS5 series-Advanced Visuallzotion And Multipurpose Appllcations
- AutoRight-GE’s unique and Industry’s first Al based imaging chain
- Ge’s self-made monolith detector
- GE’s unique Dose Blueprint Tech
- Unique 3 Axis Gantry movement
- GE Makes ifs detector at its own
- Highest DQE – GE offers 80% at just 175nGY
- Three Focal Spat (0.3 ,0.6 & 1.0mm, .3mm far DSA)
- 3DCT HD provides fine image details to help in clear visualizations
- Available in detector size of 20. cm x 20.5 cm, 30 cm x 30 cm & 40 cm x 40 cm

Innova IGS6 Series-view The Anotomy ln Detials
- Unique 3 Axis Gantry movement
- GE’s unique Stent Viz technology with subtracted guide wire
- Highest DQE – GE offers 80% at just 175 nGY
- Three Focal Spot (0.3 ,0.6 & 1.0mm, .3mm far DSA.)
- Intelligent Aut□Ex automatically selects the X-ray parameters
- Available in detector size of 20. cm x 20.5 cm and 30 cm x 30 cm
- In nova 3D provides o quick 3D rotational angiography acquisition
- GE Makes ifs detector at its own & is the only company unlike other vendors who get from
- otherOEMs

Discovery IGS7 Series-Rediscover Spoce and Movement
- AutoRight-GE’s unique and Industry’s first Al based imaging chain
- Robotic hybrid solution
- Wide bore offset C-arm
- Enables collision-free 2D & 3D imaging
- Lowest published dose levels far EVAR
- Unprecedented positioning versatility & full patient access from any side
- Longest table for long catheters & guide wires, surgical rail sleeve for OR accessories head-to-toe coverage from right/left side. No need for leg filters. Breeze subtracted bolus chase
- Planning anywhere, fusion guidance with Digital zoom & easy 3DCT HD assessment
- Customizable layouts and parking positions, which installs in even small rooms