Dosimetry Equipment

The New Generation of Reference Class Electrometers
UNIDOS Tango or Romeo
Which UNIDOS is best for you?

The smart reference class electrometer
- Intelligent
UNIDOS Tango automates detector management and identification using Intelligent Detector Recognition. Simply scan the data matrix code on your calibration certificate or detector label with the built-in camera, and a new detector is added to the database or the right detector chosen for measurement.
IDR is particularly useful for clinical sites with multiple electrometers and/or detectors in use as it increases efficiency and reduces data entry errors.
- Connected
With its built-in webserver and LAN interface, UNIDOS Tango provides full remote control capabilities. Change settings or start measurements conveniently from your PC, view results instantly on your tablet or smartphone.
If you are looking for maximum comfort and flexibility in operation, then UNIDOS Tango is the instrument of choice for you.
- Secondary standard
UNIDOS Tango is a secondary standard reference class electrometer which meets and exceeds both IEC and IPEM performance requirements. With the best available resolution in the market (0.1 fA), it is the perfect choice for high-precision measurements, e.g., in small field dosimetry.

The standard reference class electrometer
- Highly functional
UNIDOS Romeo is a high-precision reference class electrometer which provides the functionality you need for routine operation. Managing the built-in detector database is not fully automated, but much simplified with an intuitive user interface and ready-to-use detector templates.
Choose UNIDOS Romeo if you have a smaller budget, but do not want to compromise on accuracy and performance.
- Standalone
UNIDOS Romeo has been designed primarily for standalone use. It comes with an intuitive touchscreen interface, which gives you instant access to all important settings and options, making standalone operation very easy.
With its user-friendly design, it is perfect for sites who want best-in-class measurement technology, but do not need multiple connectivity options.
- State-of-the-art
UNIDOS Romeo is a versatile reference class electrometer that exceeds IEC 60731 performance requirements. It comes with a resolution of 1 fA, which makes it a reliable tool for reference dose and quality assurance measurements across all major applications.