Life Care Solutions

Carescape TM R860-A Touch af Brilliance
- User-friendly interface -provides menu-free navigation. different workspace for
- different users, and unique timeline view
- Advanced lung protection apps
- Nutritional assessment: avoids malnutrition. reduces infection rate. and
- facilitates early weaning for improved patient outcome
- Spontaneous Breathing Trial to help assess the preparedness of weaning and
- the need for mechanical ventilation

Siaretron 4000 Touchscreen-Transforms ventilator Care
- Delivers controlled or spontaneous ventilations with a re-adjustable level of end
- expiration positive pressure (PEEP}
- Suitable for ventilation of adult. paediatric and neonatal patients.
- Equipped with a flow and pressure trigger. it provides the most advanced volume-controlled ventilation
- Spontaneous ventilation allows patient inspiratory flows up to o max. of 240 Umin
- The battery. allows the ventilator to operate for at least 90 minutes
- Allows seamless operations through its touchscreen interface
- Offers easy manoeuvrability with its compact body and small footprint