Diagnostic Imaging

Revolution ACTS ES
- Compact Geometry, compact design, less footprint and low power consumption
- Clarity panel detector, delivers 18 Ip/cm exceptional spatial resolution
- Sub-mm isotropic imaging for accurate detection
- All routine scans from head to toe
- Advanced clinical applications like peripheral angiography

Revolution ACTS EX
- Advanced imaging with 16 slices
- Clarity panel detector, delivers 18 Ip/cm exceptional spatial resolution
- Sub-millimetre scanning possible, all while maintaining a high dose efficiency
- Smart dose reduction technologies for patients – ASiR and ODM
- Quick and accurate scans with Sub sec scan, IQ enhancement with pitch booster
- Advanced applications including CT angiography, perfusion imaging, virtual endoscopy

Revolution ACTS Ex ert Edition
- Advanced imaging with 32 slices
- Clarity panel detector, delivers 18 Ip/cm exceptional spatial resolution
- ASiR™ provides breakthrough image quality with dose reduction upto 40%
- Virtual Endoscopy to visualize intraluminal structures
- Quick and accurate scans with Sub sec scan, IQ enhancement with pitch booster
- Neuro perfusion with advanced neuro package
- Advanced Clinical Applications and Technologies with AW workstation

Revolution ACT
- Advanced imaging with 50 slices
- Clarity panel detector, delivers 18 Ip/cm exceptional spatial resolution
- High coverage of 35 mm/sec
- ASiR™ provides breakthrough image quality with dose reduction upto 40%
- Neuro perfusion, virtual endoscopy, angiographic studies
- Advanced Clinical Applications and Technologies with AW workstation

Revolution EVO
- SOO slice equivalent system with free breathe scan
- Clority panel detector with enhanced spatial resolution of 0.28 mm
- Upto 82% dose reduction using ASIR-V
- Unique Snapshot Freeze freezes coronary motion with a temporal resolution of 29 msec
- S beat cardiac acquisition for any heart rate
- Single acquisition SmartMAR for artifact-less imaging
- Elevate CT imaging with advanced applications in multimodality workstation

Revolution Maxima
- Aunt Minee Europe Award winner for the best new r adiology device 2020
- Setting a new standard in CT operations with one click Al-based Auto Positioning
- Coronary motion correction with Snapshot Freeze with temporal resolution of 29 msec
- 5 beat cardiac acquisition for any heart rate
- Single acquisition SmartMAR for artifact-less imaging
- Upto 82% dose reduction using ASIR-V
- Elevate CT imaging with advanced applications in multimodality workstation

Revolution Frontier
- GE’s unique Gemstone detector – lOOx foster aher glow time
- Powered by 100 KW generator, 8 MHU tube and 800 mA max current
- Ultra-fast kVp switching technology with perfect temporal registration for spectral imaging
- Unmatched spatial resolution in the industry of 0.23 mm
- Full SO cm Field of view whole body Dual energy application for anatomical coverage
- Prospectively gated cardiac scans with Spectral Imaging
- Upto 82% dose reduction using ASIR-V

Revolution CT
- High-definition imaging with the Gemstone TM Clarity Detector
- 160 mm coverage to achieve one-beat, motion-free coronary imaging at any heart rate
- Split second volume acquisitions to minimize motion artifact
- Volume Spectral CT – Faster than the blink of an eye
- GSI Xtream Workflow Makes Spectral CT Routine
- 437mm/s HyperDrive table speed for fast scanning acquisition
- 80 cm Wide bore to accommodate challenging patients including bariatric and trauma
- 25 msec Ultrafast kV switching technology for GSI Xtream

Revolution CT ES
- High-definition imaging with the Gemstone TM Clarity Detector
- High coverage to achieve motion-free coronary imaging at any heart rate
- Split second volume acquisitions to minimize motion artifact
- Volume Spectral CT – Faster than the blink of an eye
- GSI Xtream Workflow Makes Spectral CT Routine
- 80 cm Wide bore to occommodate challenging patients including bariatric and trauma
- 25 msec Ultrafast kV switching technology for GSI Xtream

Optima 540
- Smarter option with state-of-the-art image quality
- Manage complex cases with smart technologies
- SmartMAR – single acquisition metal artifact reduction technology
- Clinical excellence through ASiR. IQ enhance and other applications
- Fast acquisition, reconstruction and post processing for improved workflow
- Increase operational efficiency upto 40% with Smart Flow
- Advanced visualization with AW multi modality workstation

Optima 520
- Powerful intelligent CT with smart technologies
- SmartMAR – single acquisition metal artifact reduction technology
- Clinical excellence through ASiR, IQ enhance and other applications
- Fast acquisition, reconstruction and post prosessing for improved warkflow
- Smart Flow improves efficiency and patient experience upto 40%
- Advanced visualization with AW multimodality workstotion

Discovery RT
- Comprehensive radiation therapy solution with precision. integration and efficiency
- Max DFOV of 80 cm feature provides edge-to-edge acquisition
- Enabled with Smart Metal Artifact Reduction Technology (Smart MAR)
- Powered by a lOOkW generator and 0.625 mm slice thickness
- Smart Deviceless 40 provides respiratory gating without an external device
- AdvantageSim MD enhonces productivity through effortless 4D review and simulation