Diagnostic Imaging

Discovery XR 656 Pl us-step Up To The World Of Freedom
- Auto Positioning & Auto Tracking
- VolumeRAD-Digital Tomosynthesis
- Dual Energy for Chest and Abdomen
- Auto Image Paste-Table & Wall Stand
- Flashpad Detector-Non Tiled FPO with 68% DQE
- Ceiling Suspended-80KW, lOOOmA Integrated DR
- Generator, Tube and Detector manufactured by GE

Optima XR 646-Optimized For The Way Vou Work
- Auto Tracking
- Repeat Reject Analysis
- Auto Image Paste-Wall Stand only
- Dual Energy far Chest and Abdomen
- Flashpad Detector-Non Tiled FPO with 68% DQE
- Ceiling Suspended-80kW, lOOOmA Integrated DR
- Geenerator, Tube and Detector Manufactured by GE

XR6000 Digital-So Reliable. So versatile. So Much Value.
- Dedicated Wall Stand with AEC
- Higher Grid Resolution-78Lp/cm
- 4 Way Floating carbon fiber top table
- SOkW, 630mA-High Frequency Fixed X Ray System
- 32GB Inbuilt Storage with Manual Stitching Software
- Easy to Install-Floor Moundted DR System pixels & 70% DQE

HF Advantage-Next level in X-ray technology
- 150+ APR programmes
- 5-Position Simplex Table
- Available with 2 & 3 Point Technique
- Optional-Vertical Bucky for DR System
- 32kW, 400mA-High Frequency Fixed X Ray System
- 32GB Inbuilt Storage with Manual Stitching Software
- XR 120 Csl Detector with 127 microns pixels & 70% DQE

Brivo XR115- Mobile-Ergonomically Designed For Added Safety
- Runs on lSAmps Electric Supply
- 200kHz UHF for low dose and Radiation
- <2 Kg Push force with small turning radius
- 4kW, lO0mA-Ultra High Frequency Mobile X-Roy
- 32GB Inbuilt Storage with Manual Stitching Software
- XR 120 Csl Detector with 127 micorns pixels & 70% DQE

Optima Traveller-Mobile-Takes Digital X-ray To The Point Of Care
- APR Pre-looded-24 Techniques
- Non Motorized-Battery Free Operation
- Easy Maneuverability and Easy Positioning
- 32kW, 400mA-High Frequency Mobile X-Roy
- 32GB Inbuilt Storage with Manual Stitching Software
- XR 120 CSI Detector with 127 micorons pixels & 70% DQE

Optima XR 22Q-Opt1m1zed For The Woy You Work
- 30kW High Frequency Generator
- Built for Reliability & Easy to Cleon
- On-board Integrated 15″ Touchscreen
- Fully integrated digital & Fully Motorized
- Stow While Charging-In Bin detector Charging
- Floshpod Detector-Non Tiled FPD with 68% DQE

Optima XR 240amx (Gen 2)-D1agnost1c Insight Close At Hond
- RFID badge reader for foster access
- US FDA approved Critical Core Suite
- Remote connectivity for predictive maintenance
- HIS/RIS integration & AutoGrid for better workflow management
- Adaptive WiFi for better signal management while travelling across various hospital
dep artments.